Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks. We have moved Brody into his new room and he has done great. He now calls his old room "Anagail's Room" which is a big improvement since he was in denial for awhile that he is going to have a sister. Here he is in his new recliner from Uncle Al. He loves it.

Brody loves the zoo. His favorite is the giraffes but he really liked petting the goats. He called this one the "itty bitty goat." He and his Nana talk and laugh a lot about things that are "itty bitty"

He loves his sunglasses. This was at dinner one night. He makes us laugh all the time.

Here he is in his Thomas the Train hat from Pops. He put it on like this. My little comedian!

He is so precious. I can't believe he is getting ready to turn 2!

Baby Update: I am now 30 weeks pregnant. I can't believe it! Miss Anagail will be here before we know it! She is still moving a lot. I feel pretty good..just getting bigger by the minute. Please continue to pray that she continues to grow and that maybe I can get a little closer to our due date this time!