These pictures are a little backwards, but this past Saturday we went to Harris, one of Brody's best friends, 2nd birthday party. Brody enjoying the cake!

Brody and Harris in the wagon.

The boys loved the wagon!

Our first trip to the zoo this year. It was crazy packed but we had a great time!

Going through his Easter basket.
My handsome guys!

Brody with his Easter basket from Pops and Nanners.
We went to Station Camp's Easter Egg Hunt. Here is Brody with his Pops.

Going through his Easter basket.

Brody with his Easter basket from Pops and Nanners.

Hunting eggs. Brody really got the hang of it and was really proud of his basket of eggs. He had to carry it around and show it. He would not let any of us help him carry it. He took it all the way to the car. Such a big boy!

Wendi also got to go to the hunt.

Our preschool playgroup from church had our Easter egg hunt in the auditorium. The kids had a blast. They were all so cute!

Happy with his balloon and being outside.

Brody having fun with Nanners dogs. He loves having Belle on a leash. It was so funny!

Brian and I were able to go the Brad Paisley concert. We had a blast.

Wendi also got to go to the hunt.

Our preschool playgroup from church had our Easter egg hunt in the auditorium. The kids had a blast. They were all so cute!

Happy with his balloon and being outside.

Brody having fun with Nanners dogs. He loves having Belle on a leash. It was so funny!

Brian and I were able to go the Brad Paisley concert. We had a blast.
Darius Rucker was awesome!

Our big night out!

We were able to celebrate our Pa Staffords 99th birthday! He is such a blessing.

Our big man in his favorite place. I am so glad we have a little boy that loves being outside!

Hanging out with Uncle Kale...Brody loves going to Uncle Kale and Aunt Amy's house.

Our big night out!

We were able to celebrate our Pa Staffords 99th birthday! He is such a blessing.

Our big man in his favorite place. I am so glad we have a little boy that loves being outside!

Hanging out with Uncle Kale...Brody loves going to Uncle Kale and Aunt Amy's house.
We have lots of big changes coming in '09. I am now 17 1/2 weeks pregnant and finally starting to feel a little better. So far, all of my doctors visits have been great. We go May 14th to find out boy or girl. We really don't care either way we are just praying for a healthy baby! We also have our house for sale. Officially, we will have our realtor's sign in the yard in the morning. Please keep our growing family in your prayers as we make some changes!