Every month we take a picture of Brody in the same outfit to show how much he has changed. This was my mom's great idea. This is the picture of Brody that they took at the hospital...(I can't believe how tiny he was!) And here is Brody's seven month picture in the same outfit. It is hard to believe that is the same baby! Our little man has changed so much!!
Today has been such a beautiful day!! Brody went to his first Easter Egg Hunt today. Our playgroup had it's hunt this morning. I of course had to take some pictures of Brody and his Easter basket.
Nanners started something last week...Brody has been playing around with a sippy cup so when Nanners was here last week she gave him a drink from her cup. Now anytime you have a glass Brody wants a drink. All we are giving him right now is water and he loves it! If you pull out a glass he stops what he is doing and reaches for it. He thinks he is such a big boy! I thought these pictures were too cute to not share!
We got some snow last night and were able to go out and play in it today. Layla wanted to be in some of the pictures too! We played outside for all of about 10 minutes but it was still fun!
Kale proposed to Amy on Saturday, March 1st. She is wonderful and we are all very excited! These pictures are Kale, Amy, and Brody from Christmas. We are all getting together tomorrow night to celebrate.
Brody was six months on Valentines Day. We went and had his six month pictures made and he did great!! He is just getting so big. Right now is loves peek a boo and he has figured out that he can make all kinds of noises with his mouth. His favorite is spitting. He is just too cute!